Monday, August 27, 2012

Easy Houseplants: Coleus

Allergy Index Scale: 1
Tender perennial
Shade, 6 inches - 3 feet

Coleus is grown for its foliage rather than flowers, and comes with a variety of colors, patterns and shapes of leaves. It is a good foliage plant for shady areas or an easy houseplant for sunny windows.

Coleus is easy to propagate, by rooting a cutting in water. Cut a piece of stem just below the leaves, and pinch off any leaves that would be underwater. Once roots are well formed, it's ready to plant. in a light, well-drained soil.  Do not plant outside until the temperature stays over 50 degrees.

Coleus will flower, but the blossoms are generally pinched off to keep the stems from becoming leggy.  Pinching back encourages thick and bushy growth. Keep coleus well-watered. If the leaves are small, it probably needs more light.

At the top of posts about plants, you will notice the "allergy index scale" rating for each plant I discuss.  The Ogren Plant Allergy Scale rates the allergy potential of a plant, but of course does not indicate whether you or anyone else actually is allergic to it.  In this scale, 1 is the best rating, with the least potential to cause allergic reactions; and 10 is the worst rating, with the most potential to cause allergic reactions. Because coleus is rated 1, as low-allergy as a plant can be, I feel free to have them in my home, on the porch, and in containers and borders in areas where I spend a lot of time.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the first plant I grew for myself--as a freshman in the dorm, everyone was growing these and philodendron. The dorm had big, sunny windows, and they really flourished. They really are easy to start from a cutting in a glass of water. Great plant!

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