Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall Garden Update

Sweet and hot peppers picked November 9th
This is a photo of today's harvest.  Even though it's November, and we've had several frosts, the sheet of heavy plastic I put over the pepper plants a few weeks ago has been enough to protect them from frost damage.  I use heavy transparent plastic, generally a painting tarp, and weight it down around the edges with bricks to keep the cold air out.

I'm hoping to keep the peppers, peas, parsley and lettuce going for a while yet, so I cover them at night, and then uncover them for warmer days. 

I do this every year, and every year, this is a very productive time for my veggies.  The forecast for this weekend includes some bad weather, so I went ahead and picked the rest of the peppers in case the plastic isn't enough to keep them safe as temperatures dip to the mid-20s. 

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