Sunday, March 24, 2013

More March Flowers

Yellow Daffodil
Over the last week, it's been a delight to watch the spring flowers continue to bloom.  A few weeks ago, it was the dwarf iris, snowdrops, and crocus, now it's the daffodils and hyacinths that are coming into their season. Pansies have been blooming throughout.

Purple Crocus

The very first grape hyacinths, those in the most sheltered locations, have begun to bloom. I am also seeing some of the earlier perennials started to leaf out: the columbine and lungwort in particular.  Many of the snapdragons from last year are putting out new leaves, and should be blooming again in the next few weeks.

I've been hearing and seeing many more birds in the neighborhood as well.  I try to keep my feeders well-stocked in hopes of enticing a number of them to decide to nest around here.  With a steady supply of water in several birdbaths as well as the pond, and with more and larger shrubs and trees as nesting sites each year, I'd like my garden to look like a great place to set up housekeeping for the feathered crowd.

Daffodils in the snow

Then last night the Kansas weather pulled its favorite late-season blast of winter, and dumped a few inches of snow over the area.  This morning all those lovely spring flowers were covered with the white stuff.  Oh well, back to the snow shovel!

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Fringed Tulips

Fringed Tulips