Sunday, April 13, 2014

Goldfish Tragedy

As I walked out into the backyard earlier today, a large white bird took off from beside my little pond.  I checked the pond, and all of my goldfish were gone.

We live near a river, so there is an abundance of geese, ducks and other waterbirds.  About three years ago, a visiting egret finished off the fish in my pond at that time as well.

After that earlier visit, I decided to wait a while before getting any new fish so that if the bird came back, it would not be encouraged to regard my pond as its personal bird feeder. After a few weeks, I found that tiny fish had hatched out from eggs left by the adult fish, and I ended up with more fish than before.

I have no idea if there will be any hatchlings this time, but I do think waiting a bit would be worthwhile.

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