Thursday, August 26, 2010

August Heat

We finally got a little rain; in fact, twice in the last two weeks. It's been such a relief. I've had to water every day, and even then some of the things I planted this spring don't look like they'll make it. The two hydrangeas are completely withered, and look quite dead. I don't know whether to hope they'll come back out of it or not. I'd like to think they went into an early dormancy, but that may be hopelessly optimistic.

On the other hand, the veggie garden is still going along fairly well. It hasn't been my best year for tomatoes, since the raised bed they were rotated to this year is the one nearest the neighbors' trees, and is the shadiest of the six beds. But the peppers and cantaloupe are doing great, and the cucumbers were as well. Now the cukes are struggling a bit with fungus. I've sprayed them and hope they'll keep going. I sure love the fresh veggies!

Update: Two days after posting this, one of the dead-looking hydrangeas has put out a few new leaves at its base. What a relief! I'll keep hoping for some of the other plants.

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Fringed Tulips

Fringed Tulips