Saturday, May 10, 2014

End of the Greenhouse

Tear in greenhouse plastic
Over the last couple of years, I've really enjoyed having a pop-up greenhouse. Though not as protective as a "real" greenhouse, it did offer some shelter over the winter to marginally-hardy plants, extending the harvest later into the fall/winter, and helped in hardening off seedlings.

Unfortunately, over the last month or so, the materials of the greenhouse have begun to fail.  The straps of Velcro that hold the rolled-up doors open have begun to pull off.  Those I could replace, but now the plastic is tearing apart at the seams.  Even though it's a sturdier than average plastic, years of extreme temperatures and sunlight have caused it to break down.

I really don't see how I can keep it going.  I've tried taping it, and restitching it, but the very structure of the pop-up pulls hard at the fabric of the walls, and the plastic is simply rotting.

As it is, it still gives my last seedlings a bit of shelter from the fluctuating spring weather, but once these are planted out, the greenhouse will have to go.

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