Monday, August 19, 2013

Feeding the Grass

One of my compost tumblers has finished its latest batch of compost, so this evening I used it to feed my front lawn.  I like to use the compost to help feed the grass, and to gradually improve the soil by adding organic matter.  Earthworms are attracted to the compost as food, and will carry bits of it down into their burrows, spreading the compost through the soil.

I add compost in thin layers a couple of times a year to the lawn, which over time will improve the soil structure.  My grass will do better as the roots will be able to grow down farther into the soil since the soil will not be as hard.

The compost will help feed the earthworms, so there will be more worms to help improve the soil, which will then hold more water for the grass.  The compost itself, as well as earthworms' castings, will feed the grass.

When you spread compost over a lawn, it is important that it be sifted so that it is a fine texture, not big chunks.  I use a garden sieve to filter out any larger bits.  Spread the compost in a thin layer so that it drops between the blades of grass.  You don't want it to cover the grass, and smother it.  After spreading the compost, you could rake lightly to help get it down to the surface of the soil.

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