Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lilacs in Bloom

The last several days the lilacs around here have begun to bloom.  Every time I step out into my back yard the aroma is incredible.  As I walk my dog there are several places in the neighborhood with lots of lilacs too, that smell wonderful as I walk by.

The flowers pictured at right are from my newest lilac bush.  Last year a member of my family gave me a gift certificate for my birthday, which I invested in this bush.  I wasn't sure if it would bloom it's first year, but it has, and the blossoms are such a lovely shade of blue-violet. This is a cultivar known at "President Lincoln."  I'd seen it in catalogs, and have drooled at it for years.

My original lilac is covered in flowers right now, and the reblooming lilac is loaded with buds, which should be opening soon.

The redbuds, flowering cherry, and crabapple trees are in bloom now, so driving around town is a real pleasure.

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Fringed Tulips

Fringed Tulips