Friday, May 31, 2013

Early Tomatoes

Baby tomatoes
My tomato plants are flowering, and some have little green tomatoes.  Can't wait for them to ripen, so I can enjoy that wonderful home-grown taste!

I set my tomato plants out mid-March, about a month before the last average frost date for my area, because they were protected from the cold by wall of water garden protectors.  This year, we had several spells of ice and snow past that average date, and in fact had snow falling the second day of May.  So my tomato plants got a month and a half head-start over those of most gardeners in the area.

The plants in large pots are farthest advanced. I don't know if this is a function of being in a pot, or more likely the particular variety. 

Fresh tomatoes are one of the best things about summer, and I'm eager to get them started.

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