Monday, June 3, 2013

Rainy Forecast

Rain gauge after last week's storm
The forecast for the next several days here is for rain, which will be great for all the things I've been planting over the last month.  This spring I've planted four shrubs, to replace some that died last summer.  While planting them, I dug in lots of compost, and used mycorrhiza, to help encourage their root systems to get off to a good start. It's also important to give them a good watering regularly, and it sounds like they'll sure be getting that over the next few days!

Over the weekend, I also cleaned out the rain gutters on my house in preparation for this upcoming weather.  I do this every spring and fall, so it was time to get it done.  During last week's rain, I noticed that a couple of the gutters were a bit clogged, so I really wanted to get it done before another rainstorm. Cleaning gutters is one of my least favorite outdoor chores, as it involves climbing ladders.  At least now it's done until fall.

Keeping the gutters clean so that debris doesn't trap water is a health issue as well as preventing damage to your house.  If water stands in the gutters even for a few days, mosquitoes can breed there.  This is said to be one of the most overlooked places around the home where mosquitoes can multiply.  This trapped water is also a source of mold, so those with mold allergies need to be on the alert to prevent this.

I still have a few more flowers and herbs to plant out; mostly things I'd started from seed earlier this spring.  Most of my planting is done, and I hope to get those last few things out before this rainy spell is over, so that they can make the most of it before summer drought sets in.

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Fringed Tulips

Fringed Tulips